Author Editing Services
The writing community has helped me many times along my path in publishing, and this is my way of giving back. Beginning this summer, I'm offering editing services to interested writers. Over the past several years, I've edited books by authors for Harlequin, Samhain, and others. I can help you polish your writing to make it more desirable to agents, editors, or for self-publishing. Use the form below to contact me for more information about editing services.
What to expect:
- $2.00 per double-spaced page. Submissions must be double-spaced, at least 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, submitted in .doc or .docx format. I use Microsoft Word’s Track Changes and Comment functions to edit manuscripts and will return your edited work to you in a timely fashion.
I will accept chapters, partial or full manuscripts.
Other services I offer:
What to expect:
- Line edits for punctuation, grammar, spelling
- Critique for point-of-view, characterization, plot, continuity, pacing, showing vs telling, voice
- Manuscript strengths, weaknesses and notes
- $2.00 per double-spaced page. Submissions must be double-spaced, at least 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, submitted in .doc or .docx format. I use Microsoft Word’s Track Changes and Comment functions to edit manuscripts and will return your edited work to you in a timely fashion.
I will accept chapters, partial or full manuscripts.
Other services I offer:
- Query writing ... $20
- Blurbs (Back cover summary) ... $20